Friday, September 1, 2017

When It's Moving Day and All You Have is A Convertible: Sebastian Gorka drives a Ford Mustang with license plate "ART WAR"

Friday, September 1, 2017
Fans show their support for Houston this week during the Texas Rangers-Houston Astros game at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida. Credit:Jason Behnken/Getty Images

When It's Moving Day and All You Have Is a Convertible: Sebastian Gorka drives a Ford Mustang with the license plate ART WAR

Is Silicon Valley Censorship Backlash Going Mainstream? A nonconservative story about Google

The McCain Op-Ed, Man: Arizona Republican calls Trump "poorly informed," says Congress is "not his subordinates"

Kate Bennett

What the White House Is Talking About:
The President gets an update at 1 p.m. today from disaster relief organizations on the status of Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts. 

The White House is expected to ask Congress this afternoon for $5.9 billion in supplemental spending to assist in the aftermath of the hurricane. 

What the White House Press Corps is Talking About:
Jitters before a long weekend. Will we escape the day without a surprise news dump or scoop? 

Also, We're Supposed to Be Thinking About Where Trump Should Donate $1 Million:
At Thursday's briefing, Sarah Huckabee Sanders had a request for members of the press corps from Trump, who wanted us to tell him where he should allot his $1 million personal donation to Harvey disaster relief. "He actually asked that I check with the folks in this room since you are very good at research and have been doing a lot of reporting into the groups and organizations that are best and most effective in helping and providing aid, and he'd like some suggestions from the folks here, and I'd be happy to take those," Sanders said. 

But First, Tweets:
We're focusing on a tweet from Melania Trump, who this morning posted that September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. Could addiction and drug recovery be part of her platform as first lady? That has yet to be officially revealed. 
Credit: @FLOTUS/Twitter

And Eric Trump should just delete his account. POTUS tweeted this morning, too, and (before deleting/correcting) he spelled healing wrong -- again. 

Job Growth Slows:
The August jobs numbers were released this morning, and they're down from last month. Some 156,000 jobs were added last month, smaller than the anticipated 180,000-plus number. Unemployment also crept up to 4.4%.

Wait, I Thought Ivanka Trump Was *For* Wage Equality:
Ivanka Trump is on the side of rolling back Obama-era data collection efforts on gender wage gap information. Equal pay has been one of the cornerstones of her portfolio, so the move threw a lot of people for a loop. She said she did it because the policy wasn't going to produce the intended results. 
When It's Moving Day and All You Have is A Convertible:
CNN's Jeremy Diamond caught Sebastian Gorka apparently moving things out of his White House office this morning. The back seat of his Ford Mustang was filled with items. He officially left the White House a week ago. 
Credit: @jdiamond1/Twitter

Gorka's car has a license plate that says ART WAR, because of course it does. Thursday he got snapped trying to parallel park, and was hammered on Twitter for having Army Special Forces and Special Operations Command insignias around his plate, though he has never served in the military. 
Credit: @JimmyJazz1968/Twitter

Bye, Spicey:
Sean Spicer is now officially out at the White House. He posted this on Instagram, writing, "Thanks to an amazing team for such a great @whitehouse farewell."
Credit: @seanmspicer/Instagram

Karen Pence and Melania Trump, a Tale of Two Ensembles:
Enough people asked me what Karen Pence wore to accompany the vice president on their trip Thursday to Texas that I'm doing this comparison. It's not in any way to critique or admonish, or rehash Melania Trump's outfit or, God forbid, her shoes. I dig that Karen Pence has her own look and that she reflects so many of us who just want to be comfortable and smart and wear jeans from time to time -- especially when clearing hurricane debris 👏 .

I'm Off to Atlantic City, Baby:
I'm pretty sure I told you guys I'm going to be a preliminary judge (we do the heavy lifting) for Miss America. The pageant is September 10, but I leave Monday for a week of judging and events -- it's intense. I'm super excited, and I'd encourage you to follow me on Twitter and @cnncoverline on Instagram to see my posts from behind the scenes. Also, I've never been to Atlantic City, so if you have suggestions, hum, Have a great long weekend!

Hunter Schwarz

What Washington Is Talking About:
Summer is coming to an end; Congress returns from August recess Tuesday, and man, do lawmakers have a lot on their plate when they get back.

What America Is Talking About:
As recovery begins in Texas, a new storm in the Atlantic, Irma, has strengthened from a tropical storm to a Category 3 hurricane, but no projections yet whether it will hit the US.

Rent is due.

Poll of the Day:
Everything is politics. Gallup asked Americans their thoughts on a number of industries and found a partisan divide. Democrats are more likely to view media industries, including movies, publishing, television, radio, advertising and public relations, more positively, and Republicans are more likely to view retail and energy industries such as oil and gas positively.
For as awful as the news has been this summer, the stories of heroism coming from rescue workers, law enforcement, neighbors, journalists and anyone with a boat in Texas restore my faith in humanity.

There were the furniture store owners who opened their showroom into a shelter. The Chick-fil-A manager who sent her husband by boat to pick up customers who called in.

The Houston police put out this call on Twitter on Sunday for "anyone with a boat who can volunteer," and so many responded.
Credit: @houstonpolice/Twitter

As one man with a boat told CNN, he was just out there so he could "try to save some lives." There are so many stories like his, so many that we'll never hear about, and so many everyday heroes who did what they could to help complete strangers. It's the kind of stuff I love most about America.
Credit: Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Is Silicon Valley Censorship Backlash Going Mainstream?
Concerns over Silicon Valley censorship have largely been on the right, from reports that conservative news was suppressed on Facebook to James Damore's firing at Google. But could it be going mainstream?

Gizmodo published a piece Thursday headlined, "Yes, Google Uses Its Power to Quash Ideas It Doesn't Like — I Know Because It Happened to Me"  by Kashmir Hill, on how an article Google didn't like was mysteriously scrubbed from search results. It went vi among the online right, which is something I thought unusual for an article on a former Gawker blog and a story that isn't inherently political.

The official Twitter account for Gab retweeted Drudge on the story, writing "Drip, drip, drip."
Credit: @getongab/Twitter

How I Spent My Summer Vacation, Congress Edition:
Here are a few highlights of how our elected officials spent their recess:

Mitch McConnell -- denied a feud with Trump despite the President attacking him on Twitter.
John McCain -- received treatment for brain cancer and celebrated his 81st birthday,
Paul Ryan -- toured a Wisconsin factory and flew a drone.
Joni Ernst -- went to the Iowa State Fair and served pork.
Cory Booker -- said he wants to introduce legislation to legalize marijuana and remove Confederate statues from the US Capitol.
Maxine Waters -- was honored at the BET Black Girls Rock! Awards 
Bernie Sanders -- published a book titled "Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution" and went on tour with it.
Jeff Flake -- published "Conscience of a Conservative: A Rejection of Destructive Politics and a Return to Principle" and escalated his feud with Trump.

This McCain Op-Ed, Man:
McCain did not come to play. This is what he wrote about Trump in his op-ed for The Washington Post:

"Congress must govern with a president who has no experience of public office, is often poorly informed and can be impulsive in his speech and conduct. We must respect his authority and constitutional responsibilities. We must, where we can, cooperate with him. But we are not his subordinates. We don't answer to him. We answer to the American people. We must be diligent in discharging our responsibility to serve as a check on his power. And we should value our identity as members of Congress more than our partisan affiliation."
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