Thursday, October 31, 2019

We're totally wigging out for today's stories!

Preserving the past & saving the future. 10/31/19

The Craft of Making Wigs for the
British Courts

If a barrister or a judge walked into a London courtroom without wearing a wig, well, everyone would wig out. It's a tradition to wear a legal wig in England. Ede & Ravenscroft, the oldest tailor in London, has been making these head coverings for over three centuries. They are still handcrafted—out of horsehair—in the store's basement. What does it feel like to wear one of these wigs? When barrister Andrew Eborn puts his on, he feels like a knight going into battle in the courtroom. 

This Great Big Story was inspired by Genesis

The Carbon-Eating Concrete That's Reducing Emissions By 70%

Concrete accounts for 8% of the world's carbon emissions but that's all about to change, all thanks to a new type of cement. This carbon-eating miracle could reduce the footprint by 70% - and it was invented in a bar.

This Great Big Story is by BP

Relive Your Childhood Weekends With These '90s Nostalgia Pieces

From crafting Creepy Crawlers to forgetting to feed our Tamagotchis (...were we the only ones?) relive a truly '90s weekend with some of our favorite throwbacks.

Check out the complete guide here

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Don't come to paradise 🏝️

A tourism boon in Puerto Rico has local hotspots facing challenges of cultural dilution and environmental strain. ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏‌ ͏...