Monday, October 29, 2018

Mama Dragons are the real heroes

"When you have a support system, it's sheer bliss." 10/29/18

Current Mormon doctrine doesn't have a place for those who identify as LGBTQ+, or any guidance or support for young adults navigating their sexuality. Many face unforgiving ideologies that teach them to be celibate, or to "pray the gay away." Within this culture are the Mama Dragons, a fiercely loving support group that provides open ears and open arms to LGBTQ+ youth and families in the Mormon community. 

Little League Baseball Transforms America's Most Dangerous City

For the past decade, Camden, New Jersey, has endured one of the highest rates of murder and poverty in the United States. In that sense, it's an unlikely place to start a Little League Baseball organization. But in 2011, Bryan Morton—once a drug dealer and ex-con himself—did just that. The league has since grown by leaps and bounds. That's all thanks to Morton and a tireless crew of volunteer coaches who are committed to changing the reputation of their city.

One Woman's Mission to End Polio in Pakistan

Polio is still a critical problem in Pakistan where vaccination efforts have stalled. Khalida Nasreen is on a mission to change that. It's a dangerous job as healthcare workers have lost their lives in the same pursuit, but that doesn't stop Khalida. Thanks to her efforts, the prevalence of polio in town has decreased, building a brighter future for the next generation of Pakistani children.
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