Thursday, August 30, 2018

Getting out of the cult

"I wanted to be sure that they have a fair chance at life." 08/30/18

The United States faces many crises, but in communities across the nation, women are taking a stand. Inspired by the spirit of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Great Big Story presents DEFENDERS: a new documentary series about five women taking action and helping others in remarkable ways.

Beneath majestic red rocks on the Utah-Arizona border, members of a cloistered society are breaking free—and the help they most need is coming from a fellow survivor.

In Utah, Hope and Healing After Escaping a Cult

Briell Decker grew up in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (FLDS)—a Mormon denomination that practices polygamy and upholds a belief that only one living person can share God's word with the faithful. By the time Briell turned 18, that person was FLDS Prophet Warren Jeffs. Soon, he would choose her to become his 65th wife. Briell miraculously managed to break free and start a new life. Now, she's helping other ex-FLDS members do the same. And she's doing it in Warren's own house.

Tune in each day this week for a new story in the series, and catch the television premiere of CNN Films' documentary "RBG" on Monday, September 3 at 9 p.m. and 12 a.m. EST/ 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. PST.

In Case You Missed It . . .

In Georgia, the Immigration Attorney Keeping Families Together

By most accounts, living in Georgia as an undocumented immigrant is exceptionally difficult. The state is notorious for having some of the strictest immigration laws in the country. But in the face of hopelessness, immigration attorney Pamela Peynado is there, ready to fight till the end.

In Denver, Fighting Homelessness at the Library

Cuica Montoya knows first-hand how a drug addiction can turn your life upside down. She lost her career and her house and experienced homelessness for three years. Following a stint in jail, she knew things had to change. Now, she's using her experiences as a peer navigator at Denver's Central Public Library, offering a hand and a home to those affected by drugs and homelessness.

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