Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Disney Channel Star Joins White House Press Office: Caroline Sunshine joins as press assistant

Wednesday, March 28, 2018
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un shaking hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping Tuesday in Beijing. Credit:AFP/Getty Images 

Disney Channel Star Joins White House Press Office: Caroline Sunshine joins as press assistant

Spurs Meet Supremes: San Antonio tours Supreme Court

Oh No, Here Comes Disney Princess Politics: A Planned Parenthood branch and DJTJ shared their thoughts

Kate Bennett

What the White House is Talking About:
President Trump has no public events on his schedule. 

What the White House Press Corps is Talking About:
Today is the fifth day in a row the President has had no public events on his schedule. 
Sarah Sanders briefs at 1:30 p.m. 

But He Went to Dinner Last Night:
Another rare local outing for Trump last night. He went to the McLean, Virginia, home of Giuseppe Cecchi, a local real estate developer of some renown whose professional accomplishments include the development of the Watergate complex. Here's what deputy press secretary Lindsay Walters said to The New York Times about Trump's dinner plans: "Tonight, the President will be having dinner with a group of supporters at a private residence in Virginia. This dinner is not a fund-raiser. No funds have been solicited."

ISO: A Lawyer:
CNN's (great reporter you should follow) Katelyn Polantz has a really intriguing piece on Trump's difficulty finding lawyers to add to his legal team. Five firms have passed on representing the President in the Russia probe, following high-profile shake-ups. Right now, as special counsel Robert Mueller's team is building steam, Trump only has two lawyers on the case, neither of whom is connected to a power law firm. Polantz spoke to a lawyer who turned down taking Trump as a client last year: "With a figure who is as polarizing as the President, it makes the decision about whether to represent him a more difficult one," said Philip West, chairman of large Washington law firm Steptoe & Johnson. "Any large law firm has clients that have very strong feelings."

Wonk Humor is on Par With Dad Jokes: 
Also, some wonky mcwonkerson made a fake Craigslist ad to rib Trump's search for a lawyer. Yuk-yuk. 

Our Daily Melania:
S.E. Cupp wrote a scathing column in the New York Daily News today, directed at Melania Trump. Cupp is telling Melania to leave her husband -- unlike Hillary Clinton -- and thus be a good role model for young girls and women. I think it's sort of way more complicated than that, but what do you guys think? One thing is clear, the New York Daily News definitely found it saucy enough to make it a half-front page.  
Credit: @NYDailyNews/Twitter

Disney Channel Star Joins White House Press Office: 
I actually love the name Caroline Sunshine, and if I didn't know her background, I would just assume she was a Disney Channel alum. Sunshine, according to our ace child star reporter Betsy Klein, was wildly popular on the channel and has loads of social media followers, and she's now working full-time as a press wrangler and press assistant in the White House -- welcome aboard, Caroline! 

America Seriously Digs the New "Roseanne":
The sitcom revival that's spawned a thousand think pieces was the hit of primetime last night. The reboot of the popular blue-collar sitcom "Roseanne" got a whopping 18.1 million viewers

When Life Gives You Lemons, Make Unqualified Lesbian Lemonade: 
The trend of taking a political criticism and turning it into a positive tagline continues with Cynthia Nixon (who, I'm sorry, will just always be Miranda to me. "Sex and the City" is my all-time favorite television series.) Nixon is running for governor of New York and last week was hammered by former city council member Christine Quinn, who called the actress-turned-activist an "unqualified lesbian." So now Nixon's made buttons that say "Unqualified Lesbian," and they're for sale, in blue or white, for $5 apiece, with money going to Nixon's campaign. T-shirts are apparently not far behind ... 
This Was My Favorite Internet from Yesterday:
Rudy Giuliani is everyone's grandpa learning technology. 
Credit: @JoePerticone/Twitter 

Hunter Schwarz

What Washington is Talking About:
A letter to Senate leadership signed by every female senator, Dem and Repub, called out the body for not updating rules on how sexual harassment is handled on Capitol Hill and requested it be brought up. And Sen. John McCain has a "no-holds-barred" book coming out in May.

What America is Talking About:
Wal-Mart is removing Cosmopolitan magazine from check-out stands.

What Sacramento is Talking About:
Protesters blocked entrances Tuesday to the Sacramento Kings' Golden 1 Center before their game  for the second time since last week to protest the fatal police shooting of Stephon Clark. And just blocks away at Sacramento City Hall, Clark's brother Stevante got on top of the dais during a meeting, chanting his brother's name and saying the city "has failed all of you."

Poll of the Day:
A CNN poll released this morning found 67% of Americans believe Robert Mueller's investigation should be able to investigate President Trump's finances, while 28% say it should not.
Credit: CNN

Kim in China:
Kim Jong Un has made his first trip outside North Korea since taking power, traveling to Beijing where he met with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Trump tweeted that Xi told him the meeting "went very well" and that Kim "looks forward to his meeting with me."

Who's Gonna Pay For The Wall?:
M̶e̶x̶i̶c̶o̶ The US military.

Or at least that's what Trump is suggesting. He's bounced the idea off advisers and House Speaker Paul Ryan. A senior White House official said paying for The Wall using dollars earmarked for the military is one of several options the administration is considering, as is increasing tolls for people entering the US from Mexico.

White House Says J Kush Isn't Being Investigated for Wrongdoing:
At yesterday's briefing, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said the White House Counsel's Office isn't looking into whether Jared Kushner violated the law, but a White House spokesperson wouldn't comment further. This comes after the Office of Government Ethics' acting director said in a letter they were, in connection with business deals Kushner made that led to more than $500 million in loans.

Spurs Meet Supremes:
The San Antonio Spurs visited the Supreme Court while they were in town to play the Wizards (Washington won last night's game 116-106). Brandon Paul said they met Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sonia Sotomayor, per the Washington Post, and their vocal anti-Trump coach Gregg Popovich, sounded off on issues including March For Our Lives ("They give me hope that I'm actually living in the country I thought I was living in") and Trump ("He brings out the dark side of human beings for his own purpose, which is himself").

Here's the photo Danny Green posted of him and his teammates outside Court:
Credit: @greenranger14/Instagram

Oh No, Here Comes Disney Princess Politics:
Twitter the past few days has been having fun imagining what sort of princess Disney needs next. A Planned Parenthood branch in Pennsylvania tweeted Tuesday that Disney needs princesses who are undocumented immigrants, pro-choice, transgender, union workers, and who've had an abortion. There was Twitter backlash, the tweet was deleted and PP CEO Melissa Reed said, "we decided that the seriousness of the point we were trying to make was not appropriate for the subject matter or context, and we removed the tweet," per USA Today. DJTJ weighed in this morning, because of course he did.

Disney princesses as X memes are among my least favorite memes ever (hipsters, super heroes, high schoolers, etc.). The only ones that are OK are internet artist Jen Lewis', who's reimagined them as Nicholas Cage, minions and cement mixers.
Credit: Jen Lewis/Disney

Street Art Sighting:
Lushsux did a symmetrical portrait of Mark Zuckerberg who just wants your data.
Credit: @lushsux/Instagram

If you spot political street art, I'd love to see it. Here's how you can reach me:
1. Tweet me @hunterschwarz
2. Tag me on Instagram @hunterschwarz
3. Email me at

The NFL is getting its first-ever male cheerleaders, for the Los Angeles Rams cheer squad.
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