Friday, December 29, 2017

Enjoy your favorites from 2017

"You spoke. We listened." 12/29/17

From the hiplet ballerinas to a NASA origamist, it's been quite a year for storytelling! Let's look back on some of your favorite stories.

Teen Born Without Jaw Finds His Voice

Isaiah Acosta was born without the ability to speak or eat, let alone sing or rap. Now a teenager, he has become a songwriter who spends his time penning lyrics he won't ever be able to verbalize. Luckily, Acosta made a friend in the rapper Trap House, who acts as his voice and has become his closest collaborator in the studio.

Warriors of Hula

A common misconception about hula is that it's a dance tradition strictly for women. Nope. In ancient Hawai'i, men were the first to dance hula, and the best dancers became warriors.

Hip-Hop En Pointe: The Rhythm and Beat of Hiplet

The dancers of the Chicago Multicultural Dance Center plié, pirouette and jeté to their own rhythm in a new form called hiplet. 

Cultivating Japan's Rare White Strawberry

In Japan, there's a specialty fruit craze sweeping the nation, and the crown jewel of the luxury fruit basket is the white strawberry.

Origamist Robert Lang's Incredible Paper Creations

Twenty five years ago, physicist Robert Lang worked at NASA, where he researched lasers. But in 2001, Lang left his job in order to pursue a passion he's had since childhood: origami.

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