Friday, September 1, 2017

When billboards aren't big enough...

"There is no top. There are always further heights to reach." 9/1/17

Message in the Clouds: Flying High With the First Family of Skytypers

Ever considered writing a message in the clouds? Greg and Steven Stinis are the guys to call. The father-son team run the Chico, California-based company SkyTypers, where they pilot airplanes to "write" messages and advertisements in the sky using specialized smoke. 

Europe's Largest Monument Marks Napoleon's Surrender

Standing nearly 300 feet tall, Europe's largest monument is a dedication to the army that defeated Napoleon. Named after the battle that took place in 1813, The Monument to the Battle of the Nations is located in Leipzig, Germany, at the very site where Napoleon surrendered. 

Fishing for Bikes in the Amsterdam Canals

File this under "only in Amsterdam": fishing for BIKES. As one of the world's most bicycle-friendly cities, there are, in fact, more bikes than humans in the Dutch capital. And with some 60 miles of canals winding through the city, odds are that a missing bike met its fate at the bottom of one. 

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