Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Global cyber attack; the iPhone 10 years later; China frees activist

Profitable Moment

Don't wait for the next cyber attack

There is a horrible familiarity about the way these cyber attacks proceed. The attack begins, the demands are made, the warnings are dire, a kill switch is designed, the attack is over…the damage is done.

The other common theme? Cyber experts admonish people for failing to update their software. It's true. The Microsoft patch for this latest virus was available several months ago – but I am guessing most of us don't update our software as often as we should. And of course when the computer automatically updates, it always seems to be at the most inconvenient time and takes much longer than promised.

None of which is to deny the importance of protecting ourselves against such attacks…but it's a bit like telling us to insulate our pipes in the winter. Yes, I know I should…usually after it's too late and there's a leak.

So, have you got a better way to get it into my thick skull that – oi – update your software, protect yourself, and if you forget…it's your own fault! 

What's new... what's next

By Matt Egan, Patrick Gillespie, Julia Horowitz and Paul R. La Monica of CNNMoney

1. Why ransomware attacks keep happening

The latest ransomware attack targeting businesses worldwide demonstrates how easy it is for hackers to extort money by taking advantage of outdated technology. While ransomware may seem like a new problem, it's been around since at least 1989, and it's become an increasingly lucrative business for criminals. Here's what you need to know and who's been hit this time. 

2. The iPhone has been around for a decade

When Apple's smartphone first went on sale on June 29, 2007, the world was either using flip phones or thumbing messages on tiny Blackberry keyboards. To think about combining cell phones with iPods, Palm Pilots and compact cameras was crazy. And yet, 10 years later, here we are. If you want to know more about how the iPhone was created, you're in luck. Just remember that around the world, Google's Android is really running the show.

3. China frees activists who probed factory making Ivanka Trump shoes

The Chinese government has freed three activists who were detained in May while investigating working conditions at a company that made shoes for the Ivanka Trump brand, according to advocacy group China Labor Watch. The men were released on bail and are awaiting trial, the organization said. It's not clear what they've been charged with. The Ivanka Trump Company said its products haven't been made at the factory in question since March.

4. GM CEO: The world needs more coders

Today's cars have hundreds of millions of lines of computer code. But the brainpower needed to build that code is in short supply. That's why GM has announced a new push to train engineers. The effort is focused on recruiting women and minorities, including by teaming up with groups like Black Girls Code. "Every child needs to have these skills," GM CEO Mary Barra told CNN in an exclusive interview.

5. Quick Takes:

Venezuela's unbelievable currency collapse is getting even worse

Warren Buffett says single-payer health care would be best option for U.S.

Can Airbus satellites one day bring cheap internet access to the whole world?

The Body Shop getting a new owner. L'Oreal selling it to Brazilian firm Natura

A bad meal: Food delivery service Blue Apron slashes its IPO price range

Nearly half of Brits want tax hikes for social programs. Only 4% want tax cuts

6. What's next:

How fast did the U.S. grow to start 2017? It's clear the U.S. economy got off to a sluggish start under President Trump, though not as bad as originally feared. The initial estimate of first-quarter GDP was just 0.7%, the slowest in three years. But that figure was later revised higher and it could get another upgrade when the final GDP estimate is released at 8:30 a.m. ET on Thursday. In any case, Wall Street is more focused on the slipping forecasts for second-quarter growth. 

Corona and Nike in focus: Quarterly numbers are due out before the opening bell from Walgreens Boots Alliance and Corona maker Constellation Brands. Later, Nike is scheduled to post earnings. Look to see if the sneaker giant confirms recent reports that it will soon begin selling some products directly to Amazon.

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1 comment:

  1. This has got everything very clear in my head I regret I missed this masterpiece earlier anyway thanks for posting it here.
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